A face-lift is a cosmetic surgical operation used to make the face appear younger. Sagging skin can be reduced using this technique. It can also assist to smooth skin wrinkles on the cheekbones and jawline.A facelift is also known as a rhytidectomy. A flap of skin on either side of the face is pushed back during a face-lift. The tissues beneath the skin are changed, and extra skin is removed. This gives the face a younger appearance.
A neck lift is frequently performed in conjunction with a facelift. It lowers neck fat and sagging skin. A facelift will not address sun damage, such as fine lines and wrinkles. Other cosmetic treatments can improve the appearance or condition of the skin.
Why is it done?
With aging, the appearance and contour of the face alter. The skin loosens and does not snap back as quickly. Some parts of the face see a decrease in fat deposits while others see an increase. These age-related changes can be addressed with a facelift:
- The look of sagging cheeks
- Skin excess at the lower jawline
From the sides of the nose to the corner of the mouth, there are deep skin folds. Skin sagging and extra fat in the neck if the procedure includes a face lifting treatment. Fine wrinkles, sun damage, creases around the nose and upper lip, and uneven skin tone are not treated with a face-lift.
Face-lift surgery might result in problems.
Some are treatable with adequate care, medicine, or surgery. Long-term or permanent problems are uncommon, but they can cause cosmetic alterations.Among the dangers are:
The most common complication of a facelift is a collection of blood (hematoma) under the skin. Swelling and pressure are symptoms of a hematoma. Within 24 hours following operation, it normally develops. When a hematoma occurs, immediate surgical treatment can help avoid harm to the skin and other tissues.
Face-lift incision scars are permanent. They are, however, usually disguised by the hairline and the natural curves of the face and ear. Incisions can occasionally result in elevated scars.
Nerve damage
Nerve damage is uncommon. A damage to the nerves that govern sensation or muscles is possible. This impact might be either transitory or permanent. Temporary loss of sensation or inability to move a facial muscle can persist from a few months to a year. It may cause an uneven face look or expression. Surgery may provide some relief.
Loss of hair
Hair loss at the incision sites may be transient or permanent. Permanent hair loss can be treated surgically by transplanting skin with hair follicles.